Monday, November 2, 2009

how to

If you have or want to start an Internet business in Nigeria, LagosNaWa.Com Bronze, Silver or Gold Package is the final solution to your biggest problems

Great News!!!: Henry Omenogor gives out 100 Free Websites, Free Payoneer MasterCard ATM(to cash your earnings from Zenith, ecobank etc), Google Adsense, Amazon Associate, 2checkout and Clickbank...
read down to see how to claim yours now..

Attend my Next Free Training

Plus Discover How To Use Paypal™, 2checkout, Google Adwords™, Clickbank, e-Junkie & Amazon Associate Affiliate Programs in Nigeria For Your Internet Business And Start Making 10 Times More Than You Are Now!
From: Henry Omenogor

RE: The Unfortunate Nigerian E-commerce Dilemma

Dear Nigerian Entrepreneur,

I just got another email from a desperate Nigerian today.

It's the same old problems day in and day out, and quite frankly I am sick and tired of hearing them. These petty problems are getting in the way of Nigerians who want to earn income from the Internet legally, and I won't stand by and watch them suffer any longer.

Here's the problem: There are hundreds of new Internet entrepreneurs like you who just attended a big seminar or bought an expensive e-book on "How to make money on the Internet". You get all excited because some seeming Gurus told you how easy it was to make money from Clickbank™ and Paypal™, Google Adwords™, e-junkie™, Amazon Associates™, 2checkout™, Payooner™ and you set out immediately to design your master plan to make millions.

But when the Guru gets on his flies back to Lagos, Abuja, PH or where ever he's from (taking your money with him) you suddenly realize three BIG problems with being a Nigerian.:

1. You cannot register with Affiliate Programs -Clickbank, e-Junkie, Amazon Associate - Clickbank does not accept Nigerian. In fact, you won't even find Nigeria in their countries list. Because of this, you cannot apply all the strategies the 'gurus' teach you, and you're losing thousands in affiliate commissions.

2. You cannot fund or withdraw from Paypal - You have a great idea to sell a wonderful product on EBay™, e-Junkie etc, but you realize that you cannot sign up nor withdraw from Paypal to your bank account in Nigeria. Paypal will not pay you by cheque, and you don't have a US bank account. Because of this, you are losing out again while others make millions.

You cannot start without a Credit Card - Everything on the Internet requires a credit card, and you don't have one. You tried applying for one but you keep getting rejected and you finally say to yourself "I give up. There's no way I can continue like this…"

3. You cannot send traffic from US, UK, Asia or even Outside Nigeria to your site or affiliate program. You have a problem with running Adwords with your affiliate program to make money

I have heard those problem mentioned so many times from so many desperate Nigerians that I decided to put a stop to it. I know it can be done because I am selling on these sites as affiliate and publishers since 2005.
A New Dawn In Nigerian Internet Business Emerges!!!

FACT: Every e-book or seminar you pay for will just be a waste of money if you don't have or attend this Free Internet Wealth  Workshop Tagged Package.
STOP READING THIS! if you're not interested in solving the 3 biggest problems you will face as a Nigerian Internet entrepreneur,

The Four Problems are:

1. Payment Solution (paypal, payoneer, and how to own, fund and withdraw from them) in Nigeria

2. Sending Traffic to your site using Bum Marketing, Google Adwords, Twitter and Web 2.0 Tech.

3. Affiliate Marketing: Success in Clickbank, e-Junkie, and Amazon Associate Affiliate Program in Nigerian
with or without owning your product and getting your money straight to your bank account.

4. How to set it up as I do and make money with it. I will build it for you free.  So read on
I am happy to have attended your training. Mr. Omenogor is a good man... Pa A. K. O Amu (OFN), Former Chairman, Athletic Federation of Nigeria
Owner; InternetMillionaireKit.Com Tel: Tel:07028561865
You have done well in your Internet Marketing Man... You are a blessing to your own generation... Pastor (Dr.) Sunny Obazu-Ojeagbase, Publisher, Complete Sport and Success Digest Extra
Dear Mr. Henry, This is my BIG THANK YOU... I've told everyone that cares to listen that i've been opportuned to learn from the
Master himself ...Leke Oshiyemi; Mobile:0803-307-1649
Here's the best part: I know at least 5 other Nigerians who are doing it too. So the question is not "Can it be done?"

The question is "How do I do it" and "Why is nobody sharing this information?"

I know how you feel. I faced the same problems not too long ago. But since I became a full time Internet entrepreneur, I have worked my ass out trying to find permanent, long-term solution to "equalize" my disadvantage as a Nigerian. I tried so many strategies (some that failed miserably) until I finally found THE solution.

I found the 'missing chapter' to all the e-books and seminars out there that just sell you a dream but don't show you how to achieve it. Nobody wants to stick around to answer these questions. Nobody wants to get his or her hands dirty and help you out.

I Found Chapter-Nigeria,
And I Want To Share It With You...

I have compiled all my strategies into a simple, no-hype-and-BS report that that I call Chapter-N  Package. Please do not buy any e-book or go for any seminar before you get this package, unless you want to waste all your hard-earned money on empty promises.

Here's what you will discover in Chapter-N:

1. How To Register For Clickbank and Receive Your Money - They don't want you, and they never will. If you don't believe me you can go to and try to register an account. I will show you a secret strategy to work around this problem, and start selling your product on Clickbank, the largest online marketplace in the world. With this information you can even start promoting hot Clickbank products as an affiliate and make so much more than you are making now. Even if you sign up, there is a great tweaking you will do in 2 minutes to be able to have your cheque as a Nigerian and it has to do with tax matters and once you work around this, you are on your way to making money here.

2. How To Register For e-Junkie and Receive Your Money, even if you do not have a paypal and then do your business and have your money in your Nigerian Bank account - They want you because Nigeria is listed, but they use paypal and 2checkout account. But you are limited in this area. I will show you how you can benefit without a paypal account and have your account there for life. see one of my website where I sell

3. How To Make Money with  Amazaon Associate Program. Yes, if you don't want to use Clickbank or e-junkie, then I will show you how to run it with Amazon and get paid to your Nigerian Bank. You can sell your product here or promote other people's product... I will show you how to set it up and start selling...  Visit or

4. How To Get Clickbank Checks, e-Junkie Payments and Amazon Associate Cheques At Your Doorstep - I will show you how to make Clickbank send a check to your doorstep. It doesn't matter if you live in Lagos or Aba, or Abuja. It can be done, and I will show you step-by-step how to do it. All you need to do then is to go to your bank, cash it in, and smile happily.

5. How To Register For Paypal And Add A PPCard and Verify it- You cannot register for Paypal in Nigeria because Nigeria is not listed and you will not be able to withdraw money. I know it sounds stupid and you're probably thinking, "If I cannot withdraw from Paypal why open an account in the first place?" That's an excellent question, but there's no use trying to ask Paypal for help. They don't care. But, if you know what to do and how to do it, you can solve this problem once and for all. Note: Do not use a US or UK address as it will not work. Do not use VMI as they are hit by global economic slump.

6. How To Transfer Money From Paypal Easily - I will show you how to get any money in your Paypal account safely into Naira within 7 working days. With this information you will have better cash flow, and plan your business activities better.

7. How To Protect Your Paypal Account - You might get up one day and discover that Paypal has frozen your account. I will show you how to avoid getting your account blocked. With this information you will never do wrong in the eyes of the people at Paypal.

8. How to Solve Paypal Problems - Even if your Paypal account does get frozen one day (it happened to me), I will show a step-by-step recovery plan that will ensure your business can still runs without any problems and that you will not lose any more sales.

9. How To Create A Paypal Back-Up Plan - Never leave all your eggs in one basket. Do you? I will show you a secret strategy to protect yourself just in case Paypal decides to cut you off. With my secret "Plan C" strategy you will be able to switch to any other alternative payment processor within 3 seconds. And yes, I will also reveal what those alternatives are here., etc and How to get the money to your Nigerian Bank Account or using Zennith bank ATM to withdraw your money.

10. How To Start Without A Credit Card - If you have no credit card, stop worrying. Others may say that you have no hope, but I'll show you an easy way to solve this and start setting up your e-business right away. Don't worry, it's 100% legal!

11.And one secret here… You may have been told to sign up at clickbank with a virtual address from . It's ok but I tell you one thing here, I was like you in this regard until I met the real hurdle and that crossed it. And I will be showing you how to sign up and get your cheque from clickbank.

12, How To use Google Adwords to generate sales to your affiliate program or your own product.  Also, how to add adsense to your amazon, e-junkie and clickbank site to generate more income.

13,  How to set up your autoresponder and own your mailing list that you will sell to… .

14. Much, much more…

Yes... Nigerians Chill!. The world doesn't want you to be in e-commerce and Internet marketing. But hey, are you just going to give up? Or… are you going to fight back?

Please understand this fact: when dealing with big US companies that probably don't even know where Nigeria is on the world map: they hide behind their system.

As long as you comply with their system, you're ok. If their system rejects you, there's no point trying to contact them for help. Do you even think that their support staffs care about anything else other than making their jobs easier and taking home a salary every month?

This is a foolproof way of getting around all your problems. I don't use illegal tactics. I don't violate their TOS (Terms of Service) and I don't cheat their system. All I did was:

    a- learn the rules and..
    b- bend the rules to my benefit.

And considering what effort and resources I have put into this and the resultant positive impact it will bring to your success, I would have given it a price tag of N10,000.00.

But I will not as I have been blessed and would want to be a blessing to you also... The two pakages are:

Bronze Package: N3,000
As promised, this package for a limited time will go for N3,000.00 per download .

Silver Package: N5,500
For physically shipped Videos, CDs and Nigerian Printed books to any location in Nigeria...

Gold Package: N8,000(1st 100 People)(Gone) N10,000 for  next 2oo, N15,000 for rest.
A complete site with free payoneer mastercard, 2checkout affiliate account and products to sell, clickbank account, amazon associate and google adsense, plus all contents in Bronze Package..
For a sample site, visit

Note: If you want to continue to get fake information and fail woefully in your online business, then ignore this!!       

Look! I will still increase this price after a limited time...

This is your time to actually get on board and leverage on the internet business opportunity, make money and live the life of your dream...

Grab it now, send a mail to menog @ or Call Menog Computers at 08027246021 or 07025825796.

To your success,

Henry Omenogor
Founder/Creator; LagosNaWa.Com
(c) Menog Computers & LagosNaWa.Com  2009

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